The Chronicles of Joe the Adventurous 1 out of 7

One day a boy named Joe was so brave he looked under his bed to see if a monster was there. It was not a monster.  It was a little 3 foot guy named Thorin the magnificent and his little unicorn Bob the brave. Thump. Thump. His parents footsteps came and Thorin pulled Joe under the bed.  They went to a magnificent place called Eli (But he did not know what creatures and people lived in this world.)

He tried to get out but the dwarf did not let him out. The dwarf told him, “Follow me. We don’t know if King Malik’s spy is out  here. She is a horrible witch who’s name we can not say or she will come and know we’re here.

Back at Aslain’s Lair (The witch is Aslain) She knew the Dwarf was not good news to King Malik. She was off to defeat the horrible dwarf and turned into a fire breathing dragon.  She set off to defeat and capture that dwarf.

Stay tuned for part 2

The 9 Worlds 3~ Project Phoenix

Landonslearning presents

The 9 Worlds

Project Phoenix

“Hello grandpa I have come for Project Phoenix to fight in the final battle to restore all 9 worlds.”

Grandpa replied, “Dark times lie ahead, you will have to be a warrior and a hero and a leader.”

Kenneth replied “I don’t think I am ready for this.” His grandpa did it and made him touch the ring and go in to Project Phoenix.

Kenneth realized this is not so bad. Kenneth realized he was a warrior He was everything his grandpa said to be. Kenneth found his team and told them, “Listen up the object of the game is to find puzzle pieces that make a Phoenix without getting caught.”  Kenneth told the spies to go and said the generals will solve the puzzle.

When the spies got back and were close to getting caught, the generals solved the puzzle one piece at a time. It was ancient.  Kenneth told them to hurry up and they did. So that’s is how they won Project Phoenix and won The Olympian Games.



Would I Rather Be a Detective or a Pilot…

I would rather be a pilot because I think it would be more fun because you are in the air, not on the ground solving mysteries and if someone needed to go see their mother on maybe the other side of the world 🌎 I could help them. Also I would get a lot of thank yous 😊. I also think it is cool cause then you might fly helicopters and Spaceships and I could be above the clouds and see Eiffel Tower and the London Bridge for free. I think pilots are awesome also you could see other things like the northern lights and many other things. then I could drive almost anything Helicopters, Planes, Spaceships, Cars, Buses and more. That is my opinion comment down below you’re opinion, bye.

Why I Like Basketball

I like basketball because it is very entertaining. I also like it because it involves your hands and my hands are very strong not like my legs. It is also my favorite sport because it is very different then the other sports. If you get a basket it is either 2 points or 3 points. It is also different from the other sports because when you break a rule it is called the foul. If you hurt or just touch another player while they’re shooting they get to take 2 shots. Each count one point (that is the only time when you get a basket and it is only one point.) Or if you touch or hurt them while not shooting, then they get the ball even if you get it. Why I like it more than other sports is also because the players have really funny celebrations. That is why I probably like it more than my dad, who has watched it for more than 30 years. I also like it and practice it a lot. Almost every day.

2 is Better Than 1

I am Max (not the one probably in your class) and this is my story. I was in 1st grade and I was the only kid who stood out (and not in a good way). I was teased more than a lot. I decided to try to blend in and never stand out again. And now I am in high school.  No more teasing, but I feel different and not in a good way.

I felt like really bad, but I did not worry about it. Then I saw a moving truck and saw a girl.  She had a keyboard in a bag and a guitar.  She must have been a musician. I was wondering what I should do. I played for the worst band in the world and then I realized she was different.   And I realized that I cared about other people, and I did not want her to be like me in first grade.

But then I wondered where she was, and she was coming up to my door. I wondered what she was going to do 10..9..8..7..6..5..4..3..2..1 “Hi my name is Stella and I am you’re new neighbor”

This was weird. Don’t they come to you and greet themselves. This is what Stella looked like: rosy cheeks, suspenders, and a hippy hat. This is what I looked like: navy blue t-shirt and jeans. But I was catching up, she also had the biggest smile ever. I realized that my friend would want her on his show.  Usually it’s just football players and people who want to be famous in the school.

It was called The Daytime Show with Peter. That was, of course his name, Peter. But usually a lot of nerds come and I did not again want her feelings to be hurt but I knew I wanted my sorta crush not to be hurt or my friend not to be popular. But I had to decide I asked her but she said no

She went to school next day and I introduced her to Peter but he already saw the headline of the school news Stella the new girl arrives.  I realized no one but her could already be on the school paper. I realized “Hey do you want to do the halftime show production I know you’re a musician.” “Sure” said Stella. So today at the pep rally she sang, it was the most amazing voice ever she was awesome. She was kind and she sung beautifully Peter said “The point is she stands out.” I said “No what fine I like her” Peter said “WHAT!!” An then it came through me I hit him.

I know I should have not I ended up 5 hours later knocking at Stellas door she opened it I asked “Are you different on purpose” She said back “Why be the same when you were born to stand out.” Again it hit my head that she was awesome I asked her to go to the school dance and she said obviously yes. The next night when I was at the dance with her the most popular girl came by she said the same thing as I said at her door she said, “Why are you so different” she ran away I had to chase her until she disappeared like magic. Me and Peter over the year has thought these 3 things over and over 1. Is she a witch 2. Is she magic and 3. Will she ever come back.

Attributes of Quadrilaterals


All squares have four 90 degree right angles.   All squares have two sets of parallel lines.   All squares are closed.  All squares are symmetrical and have a line of symmetry.


All parallelograms are closed. All parallelograms have opposite two sets of parallel lines.   They have no perpendicular lines.  They all have at least one acute angle.


All trapezoids are closed. All Trapezoids have one set of parallel lines.  They have one set of lines that would cross eventually as perpendicular lines.  They are not symmetrical.