Why I Like Basketball

I like basketball because it is very entertaining. I also like it because it involves your hands and my hands are very strong not like my legs. It is also my favorite sport because it is very different then the other sports. If you get a basket it is either 2 points or 3 points. It is also different from the other sports because when you break a rule it is called the foul. If you hurt or just touch another player while they’re shooting they get to take 2 shots. Each count one point (that is the only time when you get a basket and it is only one point.) Or if you touch or hurt them while not shooting, then they get the ball even if you get it. Why I like it more than other sports is also because the players have really funny celebrations. That is why I probably like it more than my dad, who has watched it for more than 30 years. I also like it and practice it a lot. Almost every day.

One thought on “Why I Like Basketball”

  1. Hi Landon,
    Thanks for sharing your favorite sport. You listed many different reasons. If you elaborated on them, I bet you could convince others that basketball is the best sport of all.
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts and ideas.
    ⛹️‍♂️🏀Mrs. Eaves

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