Legolas Son of Thranduil Book 1 The War of The Ring

Prologue: The Battle of the Five Armies

“Legolas run” said Tauriel “No I’m not leaving you” He said back “An army of orcs are coming go” Finally he ran but he saw that Tauriel was being hurt he grabbed his bow and fought the orcs and ran away to see that his father had been taken away. Everyone had had high expectations for Legolas to be a good leader.

Chapter 1: Arrival at Lothorien

“Legolas wake up” said Aragorn “Were in Lothorien” When Lady Galadriel came she was impressed by Legolas for his polite manner and cunningness she gave him a Galadrhim Bow.

Chapter 2: The Fall of Boromir

When they left they were straight away chased by Black Riders Followers of Sauron When Gandalf died they were defenseless. But Legolas used his bow to hit one of the black riders but it was too late. Boromir was gone, Aragorn and Legolas sang a Middle Earth song for all the fallen warriors.

Chapter 3: The White Rider

When the fellowship was apart Legolas, Aragorn and Gimli set off to look for help.  Finally they saw a light and there was Gandalf but now he was called Gandalf the White “Gandalf” Legolas cried “Hello Legolas son of Thranduil” He said back “You’re journey is not over KEEP MOVING” Legolas finally said “There is Mordor  me and Gimli’s job is done we will sail to wherever we want to go blow this horn for help until then folks”


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